Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Bluffs of Fish Creek

Fish Creek is one of the many villages in Door County. The limestone bluffs is an element that makes the entire county so attractive, but they are prevalent in Fish Creek. My first night in the county, I spoke briefly with a woman who visits the Door at least once a year. She mentioned that the bluffs of Fish Creek are so unique, but she wished that condos had not been developed right in front of them.

There is an ongoing battle between development and preservation within the county. They rely on the income tourists bring to the area, but get quite frustrated by the congestion the industry brings. When the economy was more stable, developers were snatching up as much land as possible. With the down turn, the sell of the new living spaces has been a stilted. In the meantime, the county, land trust organizations, and historical societies have worked very hard fund raising and purchasing land as it becomes available. It is an interesting dichotomy.

I tend to lean on the side of the preservers, but I also wanted to be vacation in the community. Does renting a century old house and a well worn historical cottage make me a supporter of that group? I hope so.

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