Monday, July 4, 2011

Cutler-Donahoe Bridge - 1870

One of 6 remaining bridges in Madison County, Iowa.
Built in 1870 due to product transportation needs of farmers. Used wooden pegs.
Since all the bridges were built of thick wooden timbers, weathering deteriorated them quickly. The County Board of Supervisors ordered that the timber bridges be covered, realizing replacement lumber for the roof and sides was much cheaper than the bridge timbers.

As farming technology improved, farmers began to demand newer, open bridges be created. Some of the original 19 covered bridges were torn down, others bypassed and several moved to new locations.
Since the onset of popularity due to The Bridges of Madison County (book 1992 and movie 1995) the risk of arson has increased. Now the bridges are electronically monitored 24 hours a day.
This bridge is 79 feet in length.

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