Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Belonging to The Father

At the farmhouse eating breakfast. The dappled light of the sun peeking through the leaves of the trees that shade the house draw my attention to the bright white trim enhancing the dark gray clappered body of the structure. The angular view of the chartreuse natural awning and the towering statuesque trunks pull the line towards the dance of the foliage. A lone dead leaf falls as suddenly as a comet or falling star and the eye instantly follows the path for as long as it is in view. The subtle sway of the branches and their feather light passengers is soothing to the spirit. Though I am in the dining room with windows closed and plagued by the incessant tick of the kitchen clock marching on in the background, my ears seem to hear the leaves playing on the wind, interacting with each other as if they were school children newly released for summer break. Each movement exuding joy, at times simple and then vigorous.

Is there a lesson in this ballet? I just attempted to use my phone to capture the image I am describing only to be foiled by an inability to zoom. My stress level grew incrementally with each stroke of the finger and I discovered anger endeavoring to enter my reverie. Refocusing on the graceful trees, I released the phone and began to breathe again.

Maybe that is today's missive. No matter what life brings, God always awaits our willing relationship, still mind, and listening heart. We know He reacts in crisis, carrying us through whatever storm we encounter. It seems easier to call out to Him then, craving desperately for His intercession and healing. I have never felt more sure of His presence then when I was drowning in fear and confusion, but now I find myself reverting back to the same old self-sufficiency I learned so well early in life. I am a thinker and a reasoner. I am no longer dwelling in a prison out of which I cannot climb; therefore, I should be able to handle things on my own, right?

Yet, what occurs to me in a profound way is that God eagerly waits for my willing relationship, still mind, and listening heart now, as well. His message to me at this moment is:

"See the tranquil state my wooded choreography affords you? I am big during all seasons of your life. Look for Me around every bend. Listen for me in all things pristine and modified. Feel My palms of grace and mercy sweeping back your hair, elevating and twirling you until your smile and laughter permeate your heart. "

And to that I say, "Yes, Lord!"

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and sup with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20

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