Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have been evicted from the Kozy Q Cottage in Ephraim, WI.

A little over a week ago, Sharon, the booking agent, sent me a frantic e-mail stating she had double booked the Kozy Q starting June 25th. A family from Missouri had signed a leasing contract in May; therefore, they had dibs on the facility. Of course, I have a bit of my Dad in me and my mind went to the defensive mode of "too bad for Sharon. I'm staying since I am already here."

However, after milling over the situation, I responded to Sharon stating that since I was scheduled to be in Ephraim until July 2nd, I was sure she would work something out. The next day she took me to two other properties so I could decide where to move when the time came. Sharon was very grateful for my calm reaction and bent over backwards to accommodate me.

I am now in a 3 bedroom cottage with no stairs. It was definitely a downgrade and the idea of the move was a bit disappointing. But, after fighting the shower rod, negotiating the stairs for night time bathroom visits and basement laundry treks and getting tired of the claustrophobic feel of the bathroom, I anticipated the move with eagerness. To be quite frank, I had stopped sleeping upstairs the night before because I was waking with a sore back. The couch was offering better support.

So, here I am, sitting at my designated picnic table. I occupy one cottage in a commune of four. The painted panel walls are decorated with paint-by-number forest scenes, the carpet is that weather proof grade people install in screened in porches. The floor sags like an overused and infrequently flipped mattress. The faucet in the kitchen drips incessantly and the microwave is the size of a shoebox. There were no
towels, so the leasing agent brought me a bag of her personal supply. Internet service and a washer and dryer are non-existent. And... I
love it!

Maybe it is the sun finally out to kiss all the uncovered skin walking along the bay and sailing between islands, but I feel like I am breathing again. It is harder to hibernate here. I am within walking distance to the public beach. The sparsely furnished cottage with a multitude I windows gives me a sense of brightness. The simplicity of the cottage even reminds me of a monastic setting. In fact, the carillon of the Moravian Church just finished playing "A Mighty Fortress" and "Nearer My God To Thee."

In waking to a text from Dad, I realized my back wasn't aching. Could it really be a better bed or was it bonus from Advil due to leg aches yesterday evening? I made breakfast and ate out at the picnic table while reading Philippians. A couple of doves conversed using the sweet refrain that makes my heart sing. A chipmunk scurried from a neighbor's porch to mine while a community of robins delight in the gifts they find in the moist grass.

About 20 minutes ago, Sharon stopped by, exuberant about who knows what. She had just finished preparing the Kozy Q for it's new occupants and wanted to check on me. On her way to take new floor mats to the big house, she expressed, "would you rather have brown or burgundy floorats? I'd rather have burgundy." With my shoulder shrug, she started on her way, stopped again and said, "get the brown mats out of your cottage. The burgundy are brighter and prettier.". So, I removed the brown mats and replaced them with the new burgundy, just like she instructed. I had to laugh!

Larson's Cottages was a good move!

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