Friday, June 24, 2011

The White Gull Inn

This morning, I had the pleasure of eating breakfast at The White Gull Inn. During a group number in "Bing, The Cherry Musical," breakfast at The White Gull Inn was touted as a great experience of Door County.

About four days ago, I decided to head to the very inn for a late breakfast. The way I figured it, people would want to be out on the water by then and the crowd would be gone. Upon arrival, the street was crowded with vehicles on both sides and the porch was full of hungry humans. Needless to say, I turned around and found a different breakfast location.

The next day, I drove by again and found the same situation. No matter the weather or time of day, it seemed The White Gull Inn was the place to break your fast. So, I called to see if it was possible to make breakfast reservations. No, but the earlier the better. Those who know me realize that comment was a bit like torture.

This morning, while sleeping, the floor shook and something clanked in that creepy basement. I rolled over the get back to the act of slumbering, only to be jolted by a second and third clunking shake. Being a past homeowner, I assumed the worst and investigated. From what I could tell, there was nothing about which to worry. I looked at the microwave clock and my eyes about popped out of my head. It was 6:45, prime time for breakfast at The White Gull Inn.
Now, I couldn't just hop in the car and go. I needed to go through the morning prep. But... I decided to do it at the Y, which was on the way to Fish Creek and the inn. Yep, you read that correctly. I went to the Y just to shower. I'll go back later today to work-out. A bit backwards, however the idea of fighting with the downed shower curtain and rod again made me cringe.

Walking into the 115 year old inn, I was sure I would face a line of early risers. My expectations were joyfully diminished as I approached the hostess. I got a nice table next to a window framing the lovely gardens and cottages. Since I had looked up the menu on-line a few days before, I knew exactly what to order. I had to order the dish that won the inn the "Best Breakfast in America" title last year on Good Morning America. Though, the menu was chock full of great options thus making it tempting to try other things.

My tongue and tummy were pleased!

French Toast stuffed with cream cheese and Door County cherries and hash browns made from grated baked potatoes. Yummm!
It was well worth the early morning.


  1. What a wonderful time you must be having. Sailing and eating breakfast at an old timey Inn. Yeah for Laurel.

  2. Everything is so charming in this town! And that breakfast is making me hungry just to look at it...
