Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Does size really matter?

I miss deep sinks. There is a deep double sink in the house I have rented in Ephraim, WI and washing my snack dishes was actually a very pleasant experience. Water did not spurt over the sides when the pressure was strong enough to get the residue out of a bowl. There is plenty of space in the second sink to allow the dishes to dry overnight. When looking out the window while scrubbing away, I am not prone to bashing my knuckles on the bottom of the sink. The distance between the spigot and the sink base is significant enough to fill large pots and tall vases. Who knew one could miss something as inconsequential as the depth of a washing basin? I had no recollection losing this characteristic had such an effect on me. I do miss the cavernous double wide fixture I insisted on having installed in the TX kitchen I had been forced to renovate due to the dreaded black mold. Oh, the gift of being able to make your own choices when it comes to decking out your abode. Little to none of that occurs if you live the apartment life. But... as dad so readily reminds me, I don't have to pay for any service calls or wait around for a repairman to come at the end of a seemingly arbitrary 4 hour window. Hmmmm, which is more valuable? I don't know about you, but I vote for a small house in the shadow of a mountain under a canopy of mature trees. Someday, I hope.

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