Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Missing the Visual?

I can imagine that a few of you are saying, "Quit babbling and show us the pictures." I have a few really nice ones I plan on posting. Really! I do! I especially have a couple of glorious shots of food. I might give CC a run for her money.

So, here is the real truth. I have rented a house in Door County for the month of June. This was a big risk, since my general practice is to stay in monasteries, B & Bs or inexpensive hotels for no longer than 4 nights. I decided to do things a little differently this time around.

After watching a period movie and witnessing the upper crust occupying a seaside cottage for the duration of the summer months, I became enammered with the concept of being in one place for a good period of time. I envisioned myself engaging in conversations with the locals and becoming a part of the routine. Of course, for those of you who know me well, jumping into the lives of complete strangers is not a forte of mine. I am quite talented at keeping to myself and putting off an air of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. The real truth is that I value human interaction as long as I perceive that I am not a burden to anyone. No pity required, just speaking the truth about Laurel.

So, my romanticized notion about fitting in and being received with open arms is definitely a vision that requires work on my part. A type of work that would force me to step outside of my carefully crafted invisibility cloak. If I don't talk to people, then I won't hear them judge me. If I don't initiate a form of interaction, I won't be rejected or denied. It has worked (or should I say that I have used it) for years and climbing out of that pit is more challenging than it appears. This is something I want to release into God's masterful hands, but the controlling demon in me keeps yanking it back. Do I hear any Amens out there?

Back to the impetus for this posting. This cute renovated farmhouse on a quaint little street surrounded by swaying mature trees that give the impression of running water outside my window does not have a working wireless services at this time. It is supposed to. The owners had it recently installed and were here this past weekend to make sure all was in order, but a glitch has taken hold. The cable company has been contacted, the homeowners are in frequent communication with the leasing and cable companies, a service call was scheduled for today, and ...wait for it...are you at the edge of your seat?...can you predict the next few words?... The cable company cancelled the service appointment. According to their all knowing remote access, internet service is working at this address.


Wrong again!

No internet service at this address!

I don't need any high tech remote access to draw that conclusion. I have two eyes, 5 years of Wifi practice, an iPhone and a Mac to prove there is no internet access at this address. There is Wifi access at The Chef's Hat where I ate dinner for the past two evenings. There is Wifi service at the public library. There is secure Wifi service at two additional restaurants I have visited as well as the park at which I have watched the sunset for the past two nights. There is no internet service at this address.

The leasing agent has graciously offered to let me come to her house to post my blog comments, but I realize that what I want and what I need are two very contrasting concepts. Would I get out among the tourists and locals and take risks if the rental had wireless service? Not as much. Am I writing? Yes, in my steno pad, on my notes application and on my blog when I do happen upon a wireless service I can access. In fact, my two posts this evening are due to the minuscule keyboard on my phone. You should see how many times I have to back up and decipher my smart phone's interpretation of my keystrokes.

So, the pictures are forthcoming when the Wifi situation is rectified. Until then, I'll work on shoring up my multiple noun modifiers, figurative language and general picture writing techniques.

Can't wait to see what I get to describe tomorrow.

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