Tuesday, June 7, 2011

God's Voice is Radiant

Sitting on a bench waiting for sunset. I just had a great dinner on the water and have moved to an even closer vantage point. I will probably freeze and get eaten alive by mosquitos, but being on the water's edge in the prime viewing spot is worth both. The doves are cooing that old familiar and soothing refrain and I feel still. Not paralyzed, not detached, not remorseful, not reclusive, just still. As a seagull calls out during it's flight in front of the bright orb whose descent I anticipate, the breeze off of the bay pushes my tresses from my visage, and families and friends converse jovially, I feel still.

I am mounted on a donated seat soaking in the warmth that radiates from the sun. The reflection of light on the water leads directly to me as if God is offering me a clear flight path to Him and His guidance. I have been told that the star will fall between two islands that are in the near distance. Are they a gateway to the One who loves us most? Do they represent something that is perpetually illusive? They are balanced and symmetrical. The water ripples gently to the south indicative a calm passage. Moored sailboats easily rock in the current the wind creates. Yet, the sky is filling with clouds that could predict a coming storm. Will the night become trying or will the cloud cover contribute to the glorious color as the sphere of light creeps below the horizon?
You know, it seems to really be a statement about life. God did not promise the excursion would be easy or consistently fun. He never guaranteed that our walk would be filled with what we perceive to be peace. He never expressed that we wouldn't have to work. But there can be calm, peace, joy and rest in Him in the midst of life, despite the life we need to face on this Earth.
But... and here is the best thing of all, He promised to always be present, offering us His grace, mercy and love. So, no matter what the clouds might predict, we can rest in the knowledge that we are not alone. In the meantime, enjoy a few sunsets along the way.

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